Tailored cybersecurity solutions

At Zyberia, we believe that no two companies or individuals are alike. That's why we listen to our clients and propose solutions that adapt to their specific circumstances.

What services do we offer?


We conduct forensic analysis of physical and digital devices, data recovery, and investigation of sensitive cases such as industrial espionage and personal data breaches. Additionally, we provide expert witness testimony and support in legal proceedings based on our forensic reports.


We thoroughly explore the security of your applications and APIs, identifying potential weaknesses that could compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of your information.


We analyze both your internal and external infrastructure, reviewing server and equipment configurations to identify vulnerabilities.


We audit your mobile applications, including Android and iOS platforms, identifying vulnerabilities and providing guidance for resolution.


We identify weaknesses in your Wi-Fi network configuration, detect potential rogue access points that mimic your network, and provide robust solutions.


We provide training and awareness courses. Having a strong foundation in cybersecurity and knowing how to act in each case can be the best defense for your company.


We assist in the recovery process of lost accounts on social media platforms. We gather all necessary evidence to initiate the account recovery procedure.


We review your cloud infrastructure configuration, identifying insecure settings and guiding you through their resolution."


We monitor public sources for any private information about your company that may have been exposed without consent, as well as for any vulnerabilities in your assets that have been disclosed without your knowledge.

Why Choose Us?

Have you ever considered what’s at stake every time someone connects to your online platform? Your reputation, your customers’ trust, and the integrity of your data are all on the line. Our team works tirelessly to safeguard what you’ve built with dedication. Your security is our mission


Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find the most common inquiries from our clients. Alternatively, feel free to contact us for more information or a free analysis of your specific case.

Cybersecurity is essential for safeguarding your digital assets and maintaining trust with your customers. It helps prevent cyberattacks, data breaches, and potential damage to your reputation.

A cybersecurity audit is a thorough assessment of your systems and networks to identify vulnerabilities. You need one to understand your weaknesses and strengthen your defenses before cybercriminals exploit them.

Protect your data with measures such as encryption, two-factor authentication, cybersecurity training for your staff. Additionally, perform regular backups and keep your systems updated

If you experience a cyber attack, disconnect the affected system from the network, notify your cybersecurity team, and follow an incident response plan. The sooner you act, the lower the impact. If you have any doubts, give us a call.

At Zyberia, we stand out for our passion for innovation in cybersecurity and our commitment to excellence. Our personalized attention and focus on tailored solutions set us apart in the field.